
Silver nanoparticles to treat bites caused by acute cannibalism

“The skin is the body’s largest organ and the first barrier between an animal’s body and the environment. Among other things, it is responsible for temperature regulation, water and electrolyte balance, helps synthesize vitamin D, and is the organ of touch and sensation. Undoubtedly, however, the most important function of this organ is protection. The skin is the first line of defense against all kinds of mechanical, chemical or externally induced injuries, such as high temperature or UV radiation, when undamaged it is an important protective barrier against pathogenic microorganisms.”

We invite you to read the article by Matthew Porowski and Jaroslaw Wojciechowski, which appeared in “Large Animal Medicine” – MONOGRAPHY 2023. The purpose of the publication is to present field cases on the use of silver-containing products in the elimination of skin lesions in pigs.
